It is almost Christmas. But the days before it is crisis time! What are your plans? What are you going to wear? Will I fit in my other dress the next day, because of the huge Christmas diner from the day before? Or you just want to have an amazing Christmas in your favorite jeans? Okay, this all may sound a little bit overdone. But you still do not know what to wear? Let me help you. There are girls who love to wear a dress, it looks beautiful, feminine and 100% Christmas (if you wear the right dress for Christmas of course). Are you confident about that? Dress time! I selected some beautiful dresses. But what if you are not a dress type at all? Like me! I will wear a dress, but only if I really really really have to! So there is another solution. Skirts! The faux leather skirts are definitely hot. For casual, but also for Christmas! Add a beautiful chique blouse in white, black or a different color. Plus heels, ballerinas or ankle/knee boots and you are ready to go. To chique? Add a casual t-shirt that you usually wear, but that is nice for Christmas. It will look chique with a black blazer! But in your way. When I was younger I hated to wear a dress or a skirt. Tights were my biggest nightmare! Thank god there were jeans and trousers that I could wear for Christmas. Are you still a type for that? Wear it! A black jeans is always good, it depends on how you combine it. Here is this items again The Blouse. Just change the skirt for a beautiful clean black jeans and you are done! There are also jeans with a print like baroque or a chique flower print.
The most important thing is that you feel good with what you wear.