Friday, January 10, 2014


Esprit coat - H&M fluffy jacket, bag - The Sting Revelation jeans - Vogue T-Shirt - New Balance sneakers - Primark beanie

Crazy but fun shooting this outfit. And tada! This is my new coat that I was talking about. It was with 85% discount so the words 'this is MINE' came really fast in my mind when I saw it. The checked print is hot hot hot right now. Really happy! I combined it with my Vogue T-Shirt, fluffy jacket and my New Balance sneakers. Love the effect together :)

For now I am gonna start with my new project for school, again a new one. Now it has to be all digital. Have to make an app for the iPhone, iPad and laptop about the famous Vondelpark in Amsterdam and the shops around. But it all has to be unique and original. I think that this is my worst project ever. Apps are just not my cup of tea...
But let's stay positive, it is weekend!

Ps. Do not forget to like this photo, I can win this look!

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