Friday, December 26, 2014


Fashion Attacks outfit ootd day after christmas all black
Fashion Attacks outfit ootd day after christmas all black
Fashion Attacks outfit ootd day after christmas all black
Fashion Attacks outfit ootd day after christmas all black
Fashion Attacks outfit ootd day after christmas all black
Bershka coat (last year) - Primark blouse - Zara jeans - *DUO boots - H&M shoulder bag
Items with a * have been gifted to me. 

The day after Christmas. It was so much fun with my family, the first day my mom and I gave a high tea for my whole family. Super fun and delicious! You always eat toooo much. The second day we went out for dinner, which was pretty good too. Now I do not have to eat for a year I guess... How was you Christmas? This outfit is super simple, all my creativity was for my Christmas outfit. Maybe I will show that outfit too! 

For now I want to introduce you to something new that I will do for my outfit posts in the future. When an item was gifted to me I will add a * before the name of the brand. Why? Because I know that some of my readers, and I hear it more from my fellow bloggers that they want to be honest to their readers. We bloggers collaborate and get gifts a lot. There are brands who do not want you to say that it is gifted, but you bought it by yourself. In most of my posts, when it is sponsored I tell about it, but I think now it is even more clear! Hope you understand. Thanks to Iris from A das of Fash to share this idea :)

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