Sunday, June 22, 2014


Fashion Attacks men blog outfit inspiration
Fashion Attacks men blog outfit inspiration
Fashion Attacks men blog outfit inspiration
Fashion Attacks men blog outfit inspiration
Fashion Attacks men blog outfit inspiration
Fashion Attacks men blog outfit inspiration
Photo 1 & 3 by - Photo 2 by - Photo 4 by 
Photo 5 by - Photo 6 by 

When I talk with people about which bloggers I follow, I mostly answer with female bloggers. They give me inspiration for outfits and they have the same taste with clothing. I also follow men fashion bloggers. Sometimes I upload inspirations on Fashion Attacks, but they are all female. It was about to time to show you which men fashion bloggers I follow! I made a top 5. 

The first one is My second favorite! Like his style cause it can be different everyday. Look at photo 1 and 3. Two total different styles. Love it when a men has more styles! My all time favorite and a blogger that I already follow for a long time is Who does not know him. I first saw him on Lookbook with this photo, I was like oh la la la haha. His style is mostly chique, but not too preppy. I can look at his outfits everyday! A different blogger is Found his blog a few weeks ago. His style is unique and super fashionable. A style that somebody can hate, but also love. And that is what I do. I like when someone dress different. has the perfect items. The perfect leather jacket, glasses, watch. Everything that a men needs and he style it so good! His blog is really something for other men, cause you do not get a 'glamour, I look good' feeling that some other blogs have. He looks really down to earth :) The last one is Also a blogger that I found a couple of weeks ago. He has a style that if  boyfriend would had I would be so damn happy. Great style with again the perfect items.

Of course there are a lot more men fashion bloggers! Which blogs do you follow?
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