Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Pancakes, fun with friends, Fashion Week, dinner with other lovely bloggers and it was time to sport. See here my photo diary number 12! I try to upload more personal photos, most of the time the photos are from my blog. Nice too, but I think that it is more fun when you see how my days are. What I do on school or in the weekend. Well I like to see that other people. 

Since last month I sport twice week. Just to get more energy and to be stronger, right now I have 'chicken power'. Really. So that is something new for me. Maybe I will do a little post about it, what I do and the clothes that I wear when I sport etc. I want to post more different things. Not only outfits and items that I have bought. But I still have to find the perfect way to do it, maybe in a few weeks! Hope you like these photos, you probably already seen it. Not? You can follow me here on Instagram.

Oh and I got a new haircut, soon on Fashion Attacks :)

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